
Hi, my name is not Norlum. But this is the web, so I guess I am Norlum now.

I love stories. They transport you to different worlds, help you cope with the struggles of life and make you feel a wide range of emotions like happiness, sadness or even anger.

I get hooked watching movies, reading books, playing games or tabletop rpgs. Whenever a good tale is over I always feel a bit empty inside, like something valuable was lost. Thus, I thought “wouldn’t it be awesome if I could replicate this bittersweet sensation on others through a work of my own?”

After years of internal turmoil I finally mustered the courage to start writing and then post it here, in this website, for it to be seen. I would be thankful if you gave Sanctuary a read and tell me what you think. Hopefully you and many others like it and I can turn writing novels into my livelihood.